Giromax Installation Videos | Giromax
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In this video, we look at how to prepare your roof, gutter or cladding for an edge coat treatment before you apply any treatment. We’ll talk you through all the pre-measures you need to take to ensure a seamless application.

Preparation stage illustration, Giromax UK website Download Guide (PDF)

In this video, we look at how to apply our edge basecoat application once you’ve completed the preparation stage. We’ll talk you through the fundamentals and how to apply the basecoat without disturbing the existing fittings and sheets.

basecoat application Download Guide (PDF)

In this video, we take a look at how to use our edge sealant and topcoat application after you’ve appropriately prepared and applied the base coat.

topcoatstage Download Guide (PDF)

See how to appropriately prepare your gutter for Giromax® Guttercoat in our video tutorial.

Giromax Guttercoat - Gutter Preparation Download Guide (PDF)

In this video, we look at how to apply our basecoat, once you’ve completed the preparation stage.

Giromax Guttercoat Basecoat Download Guide (PDF)

In this video, we take a look at how to use our sealant and topcoat application after you’ve appropriately prepared and applied the base coat.

Giromax Guttercoat - Sealant & Topcoat Download Guide (PDF)

See how to appropriately prepare your roof for Giromax® Roofcoat in our video tutorial.

Giromax Roofcoat - Preparation Stage Download Guide (PDF)

After the correct preparation we’ll show you how to properly apply the basecoat and sealant in this video tutorial.

Play button overlay on Giromax YT Basecoat product demonstration Download Guide (PDF)

Take a look at how to use our topcoat in this video tutorial.

YT topcoat play Download Guide (PDF)

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Documents selected (13 downloads)
Giromax® Data sheets + Specifications, Girocote Data sheets.